Static mappings for ipsec mobile client users

Started by fog, September 08, 2021, 04:23:15 PM

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i use a setup similar to for connection of some Sierra Wireless Gateway RV 50 - but only with PSK.
I define users GWY001..GWY004 with unique  IPsec Pre-Shared Key.

All is working, but the IP from the Virtual IPv4 Address Pool depends in the order of registration.
Now has GWY004 the first IP.

It is possible to define static IP's to the users?
Similar to Services: DHCPv4: [LAN]: DHCP Static Mappings for this interface.

If the service VPN: IPsec: Lease Status is restarted, all leases are gone and the IP addresses are reassigned in the order of registration.
Now I have to look in VPN: IPsec: Lease Status to get the IP for a specific gateway.

Or it is possible to add this ip leases to DNS Overrides of Unbound DNS?


I'm also interested in static IP adresses for IPsec clients; did you find a solution?