Stuck on fetching new update to 21.7.1 for awhile

Started by Mundan101, August 06, 2021, 03:53:22 PM

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I am trying to update one my clients to latest build but its been stuck on fetching 21.7.1 for awhile.  Stuck may not be the actual correct word, the "." indicator is ticking right along...its prob been about 15-20 minutes.  No issues with ISP or network.

I'm having the same problem with 21.1.9_1. Been over two hours.

Slow or stalled download... Normally it should abort when there is a connection timeout but it seems to hang for some other reason.. either slow or some other network component messing with the TCP connection.

If you can try to kill fetch utility running in shell:

# killall fetch

And try the update again.


Thanks Franco,

That worked. Sunny Valley plugin complaining it is from another version, can't find repository. They may have to update on their end, maybe.