Haproxy and os-haproxy

Started by fabiodanzetta, April 19, 2021, 11:39:57 AM

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Hi everyone I am a newbie.

We have installed two HA nodes both updated with OPNsense version 21.1.4.
We use haproxy and I noticed that there are two packages installed and enabled:

haproxy 2.2.11

os-haproxy 3.1

The description looks the same.

What is the difference between the two?
Should one of the two be disabled?
Excuse me but I am very confused.

Thank you all

haproxy 2.2.11 - is a package (HAProxy itself)
os-haproxy 3.1 - plugin ("integrates" this packgage in OPNsense system and provides a graphical interface to manage HAProxy)
so you need both  ;)

Hi Fright,

Thanks for the reply.
Another question: on our firewall we use haproxy 2.2.11.
I saw that the module of the integrated one is unlocked; could it cause some dangerous overlap and so would it be better to block it?

Thanks again

Sorry, I'm not sure I understood the question. could you describe in more detail?

Hi Fright,

as in the image there is a padlock at the bottom right and I wanted to know what direction there is between lock and unlock.
Since we use ha-proxy it would be useful to choose lock for os-haproxy.

Thanks again

Locked packages will not receive updates, e.g. when you encounter issues with newer versions...
