English Forums > Development and Code Review

APC UPS new plugin

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I thought I would have a go at writing a plugin.  I couldn't get NUT to reliably run and stay connected to my APC UPS, so I wrote a plugin to configure the apcupsd package.

I've uploaded the code to github here: https://github.com/Gibbon99/apcupsd

It's pretty basic, but seems to get the job done.

If anyone would like to create an installable package from it, feel free - I couldn't get the plugins to compile on a VM.


To me it looks nearly finished. Most problematic is time cause it needs a maintainer when going to official pluginse

I would really like to see this one official through Plugins.
I come from pfSense but has now taken a decision to move to
OPNSense permanently and have a few plugins I use a lot and
the apcupsd is one them as I use it to control a proper shutdown
if power outage that finally shuts down UPS so it could go down

Best regards
Dan Lundqvist

This looks great, would be awesome to have as an official plugin.

apcupsd seems better the NUT in a few key configurations.

I'll add my vote. I'd like to see an official plugin.


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