Archive > 15.7 Legacy Series

[SOLVED] Firewall -> NAT Rules -> Aliases not working for Destination

<< < (2/3) > >>

Alright, but how can a Destination have multiple addresses then?

Update: I see it now. Can be a Network of addresses.
Update 2: But if a Target can be only one address, then why allow specifying a Alias?. That should be disallowed then.

if you have a net and want to redirect all traffic from a selection of hosts to one target, you should be able to do so.

Ah, OK. I can imagine something like Nagios needing that.
(hardly slept, far from awake)

Bump.  Having no select box for existing Aliases on the "Redirect target IP" field kind of threw me for a bit.  Kept selecting my desired host/Alias in the Destination field, and it just wasn't working until I selected "Internet Address" for the Destination, then typed in my desired IP address (and later the Alias name instead) in the Redirect target IP field.

Been using pfSense too long (but not often enough), I guess.  Anyway, thanks for the tip.  What's it going to take to get the field turned into a select box, like Destination is?  A bounty, anyone?

@reliberate I just committed a change for this, if you have time to test, execute the following on your console:

--- Code: ---opnsense-patch d3d583ab83

--- End code ---


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