English Forums > Virtual private networks

DNS Server and openVPN

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So the Fritzbox is the default Gateway for all your devices in
From the logs it looks like your VPN client is source natted with the IP of the OPNsense. At least I can't see a request coming from your OpenVPN client. Why is that?

That is correct, the fritzbox is the default gateway...
and I have absolutely no idea what's the problem :(
I sticked to the official road warrior tutorial

Did you enable logging for the OpenVPN rule?

Do you see any traffic from the network?

Please send screenshots of:
Firewall Floating rules
Firewall OpenVPN rules

Ok, I forgot to enable logging for the openvpn rules ...
But there are no floating firewall rules!
DNS requests are transported but not resolved at client side

Default route/gateway of the piHole is definitely the OPNsense?


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