Reboot: inetd not starting

Started by phoenix, January 11, 2016, 12:14:00 PM

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January 11, 2016, 12:14:00 PM Last Edit: January 11, 2016, 01:34:08 PM by phoenix
I'm running a script via inetd for monitoring the OPNsense server and after a recent update it's stopped working after a reboot. I have the following in rc.conf:

This was working OK a version or two back but in the current 15.7.23 it requires me to start it manually. I can't see anything obvious in the logs about this and I'll check again later today with the 15.7.24 version to see if it's still a problem, is there any way to increase the logging for this service?

Hmmm, still not working after the latest update. It's not that inetd is not starting it's the fact that inetd needs to be restarted to get it seen by my monitoring server. I'm using the following instructions to make the modifications to the specified files:


Hey Bill, NAT reflection rules seem to use inetd, it might clobber your manual setup of it. Are you aware of any changes in your configuration in that regard?

Hi Franco,

Quote from: franco on January 11, 2016, 02:54:26 PM
Hey Bill, NAT reflection rules seem to use inetd, it might clobber your manual setup of it. Are you aware of any changes in your configuration in that regard?
I thought that there weren't any changes to my rules, I've just checked and I didn't realise that using squid set a NAT reflection rule all by itself - I guess that's what is causing it? If you add the xinetd package would that still suffer from the reflection rule problem?

Quote from: franco on January 11, 2016, 02:56:27 PM
For custom purposes, we could add this to the packages to avoid clashing of inetd setups:
That would be good for me, I assume that if this were implemented the config files would remain after any updates?


This seems related, but it dates back to 15.1.10, way back:

Resulting in inetd always starting even if it isn't being used. Maybe it has to do with the redirection rule, but I'm not entirely sure. I'll report back soon.