Sensei App & Rules DB not updating

Started by hfvk, September 08, 2020, 06:31:13 AM

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I have two OPNsense installations with identical HW. Both are running:
OPNsense 20.7.2-amd64
OpenSSL 1.1.1g 21 Apr 2020

Both are running Sensei version:
Engine Version:   1.5.2_1   Last Update: 08/01/2020 07:34

The problem is that Site A has App & rules DB version:
App & Rules DB Version:   1.5.20200612133834   Last Update: 06/12/2020 23:38

And the Site B:
App & Rules DB Version:   1.5.20200724174736   Last Update: 08/01/2020 07:34

For me it seems that Site A has outdated App & rules DB version. However, when I click "check updates" link on Sensei Status page on Site A, it reports that the DB is up-to-date (it isn't since I can see that the identical Site B has a newer DB).

Any ideas how to force the DB update on Site A?