Live view broken?

Started by hitechhillbilly, August 14, 2020, 05:26:29 AM

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Hello guys, I just updated to 20.7 and now my live view does not seem to be working. Even with auto-refresh going it does not scroll.. And I do not have any filters set.

Found the issue.. For some reason syslog-d was not running.

Hi, I face the same issue, even with

OPNsense 20.7.1-amd64
OpenSSL 1.1.1g 21 Apr 2020


Then syslog crashed. There will be a fixed binary in 20.7.2

August 29, 2020, 03:22:02 PM #5 Last Edit: August 29, 2020, 07:45:33 PM by marjohn56
Or apply this now.

# pkg add -f

Ignore warning messages about syslog at install!
OPNsense 24.7 - Qotom Q355G4 - ISP - Squirrel 1Gbps.

Team Rebellion Member