Google Drive Backup

Started by hitechhillbilly, August 06, 2020, 10:10:34 PM

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Hello guys. I am trying to back up to Google Drive but I am running into issues. I followed the WIKI to the letter. Service account, shared drive settings, key, etc. But when I go to save it I get this error attached.

I pasted the folder ID after the #/folder/ in the URL.

Am i doing something wrong?

I am on release 19.7.9 on this router.

I also just tried on another router I have that is on 20.1 still no dice.


FWIW, I too ran into the same type of issue & message with Google and Nextcloud. Since I've dabbled with Google app authentication slightly in other custom apps and use Nextcloud routinely in the farm, in my case, I feel that my settings are not aligned with requirements for OPNsense Backup.

As a primitive measure, given my limited exposure to OPNsense admin work, I simply use the fail-safe Download method on a weekly basis.

Kind regards.

I remember having a number of issues when I set it up, but I have Google backups working successfully now. For a "not found" error, it sounds like it might be an issue with your Folder ID setting perhaps?

I'm using rsync on a cron event, backs up the entire conf folder to my RAID server every night. If I get some time I'll create a plugin to do this. The most complex bit was getting the key pair aligned between Opnsense and the QNAP, once that was done it works nicely. I'd also like to add a hook in the save config routine that can call a defined external backup so it backs it up then too.
OPNsense 24.7 - Qotom Q355G4 - ISP - Squirrel 1Gbps.

Team Rebellion Member