Reinstalled OPNsense 20.1 Plugins missing

Started by relknip, July 27, 2020, 01:26:23 PM

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July 27, 2020, 01:26:23 PM Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 01:59:40 PM by relknip

I've reinstalled our OPNsense from 18.7.9 to the new version of 20.1 by hand because we were not able to update the firewall by GUI neither by console.
I've created temporary firewall float rule with pass any on the WAN interface, i'm able to contact the update servers but will get following message without success?

pkg update -f
pkg: Operation timed out
Unable to update repository OPNsense
Error updating repositories!

On other Mirrors i get Operation timed out.
repository OPNsense has no meta file, using default settings.

In the gui i get following message:
"There are no updates available on the selected mirror."

I'm looking for the zabbix plugin that is missing now.
Tried different mirrors with no success.

Any suggestions or Troubleshooting hints?
