VoIP troubles

Started by DenverTech, June 17, 2020, 05:05:04 PM

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June 17, 2020, 05:05:04 PM Last Edit: June 17, 2020, 09:58:14 PM by DenverTech
Having my first weird issue (two, actually, but I'll start with the one I care about). We recently installed an OPNsense 20.1.7 firewall for our small office. Everything worked great for a few days, then we got notified that all our remote workers were having calls drop on their VoIP lines. Essentially, the phone registers, then days later, it will still ring, but then have dead air if you pick up. Two or three tries from the same caller and suddenly it works again for a few hours. If they reboot the phone, everything's fine for a few days.

Specifics: We have remote workers with VoIP phones that connect to a PBX at our home office. I have NAT rules for the port range the phones use that forward traffic to the PBX. When the calls fail, I show no traffic on the firewall from that IP. At recommendation of other posts, I added an outbound NAT rule for the PBX and changed the firewall optimization to Conservative...this did not help.

Any suggestions to get these phones back online and to stay online?

Second minor issue:
Since 20.1.7, I've started getting a warning "A problem was detected" on some (not all) firewalls using LetsEncrypt. I can't find any known issue about this, so was curious if anyone knew why that might be happening. Only thing I can find is a PHP error: PHP Warning "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break"


I am also very interested in your first topic. I have an related issue with a Fritzbox behind the OPNsense. But I am still investigating...

Your 2nd issue: This message will go away in the next update. You can ignore/dismiss this Report.
