Multiple XBOX Hell

Started by banditti, April 16, 2020, 06:54:10 PM

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Ok, I have spent 2-3 days reading every post I can find on how to setup OPNsense for multiple XBOX.  I think I am close, meaning I show both XBOX's with open NAT, but Rainbow 6 Seige will only connect the first person.  This is what I've tried so far:

There is a deny 3074 0-65535 at the bottom I have in there too.


If you have multiple public WAN IP addresses, set up a 1:1 NAT for one (or both) of the consoles.

If not, put one XBOX behind a router with a VPN client. A second OPNsense (easier with VM's) or a mini router with OpenWRT: with a VPN provider. Tunnelbear has a free tier for testing:

One of these should handle the traffic:

The idea is for each XBOX to have a different public IP address.


That would be lovely if I could have multiple public IP's, but COX doesn't allow that.

I do get assigned (1) IPv4 address and (1) IPv6 address, I wonder if i separated out that way if it would work?

Quote from: banditti on April 16, 2020, 09:08:28 PM
I do get assigned (1) IPv4 address and (1) IPv6 address, I wonder if i separated out that way if it would work?

If you can find game servers on IPv6 then there isn't a problem since there is no NAT. Just allow the necessary ports through the firewall.

Check if your internal clients are picking up an IPv6 address: or to see if the turtle swims.



i do this because i don't want UPNP :

Create an aliase with my xbox "XboxGroup_NAT"
Create an aliase with xbox port "Port_XBOX"


Create rule NAT Forward

         Source         Destination         NAT   
Interface      Proto   Address  Ports            Address          Ports       IP       Ports      
WAN        TCP/UDP      *   Port_XBOX     WAN address   Port_XBOX     XboxGroup_NAT     Port_XBOX           

With NAT reflextion "Enable"

Interface     Source      Source Port   Destination   Destination Port   NAT Address   NAT Port   Static Port   
WAN         XboxGroup_NAT     *       *                  *           WAN address      *               YES