Curious if anyone has had any success w/ Logitech Harmony Hubs? If so, would you mind sharing some specifics.ROON and SONOS is working fine, but have been unable to setup the Logitech HUBs across VLANs.NM, think it's working now, had to use multicast of and port 5224.Thanks
2022-01-24T16:48:55-06:00root /usr/local/etc/rc.d/os-udpbroadcastrelay: WARNING: failed to start osudpbroadcastrelay
Running 22.1.r2 and I'm having some difficulty getting it to run:Code: [Select]2022-01-24T16:48:55-06:00root /usr/local/etc/rc.d/os-udpbroadcastrelay: WARNING: failed to start osudpbroadcastrelayAre there any known compatibility issues known at this moment?