URL Alias Confusion

Started by smajor, October 29, 2015, 11:42:35 PM

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Hi all, here is what I'm trying to accomplish. I thought I had it figured out, I suppose I do not.

I have a URL to a list of IPs in CIDR format hosted on a web server. Example of IPs in the list would look like this:

In the URL section of Alias, I've tried to add this under both "URL (IP)" and "URL Tables (IP)" [I really don't know what the difference is with these - the full help doesn't explain it nor the the link to the wiki have anything about this].

Whichever I choose, I've tried both, nothing seems to be downloaded (that I can tell) nor can I select the alias when I create a rule - it simply isn't in the list.

Does this feature not work the way I think it works?  If it does, what am I doing wrong?


Hi smajor,

The difference between plain IPs/Networks and Table IPs/Networks is that the former is put into the pf.conf directly, while the latter is anchored as an external table (on the files system) so you don't have to reload the the rules file in order to update a table. I would recommend to use tables, they are meant for larger lists, too.

You will have to assign the alias to a rule and apply the config in order for this to work. If this is already the case you can help by providing the file /tmp/rules.debug via PM to take a deeper look if there is a problem with the list update mechanism.

Also make sure you are on the latest version so we don't run into confusion as to what got fixed when, the firewall alias pages have had their fontend and backend reworked recently.


Thanks, I'm sending you a PM with a little more detail.