Archive > 19.7 Legacy Series

Feature Request/Enhancement: Web UI page display widgets cookie-based?


Hi, wasn't sure how to state this in the subject.
On many forms in the OPNSense UI, there are settings widgets that help define the form/output.  For example, in Firewall > Shaper > Settings or Firewall > Aliases, the widgets define the number of items/rows output & the visible fields, or in Reporting > Traffic there's the Sort By, Filter and Display selections - the Diaply selct.  These sections are often the only ones I visit to make quick QoS settings or see what/who is consuming the bandwidth...wether on my laptop or my mobile, the default settings for visible rows/fields or list by Hostname (Display field) always need to be changed - every time.  It becomes a ritual to do before I'm able to do what I intended...
It would be nice if these values simply defaulted to whatever I set them to previously - likely something that could put cookies to good use...  Or at least a settings page where the defaults could be changed...

Some values are already "sticky". We need to add the integration consistently and this is ongoing. :)



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