[SOLVED] Ports and Portsnap not present in 19.1.9

Started by LouieLouie, June 17, 2019, 02:09:21 PM

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June 17, 2019, 02:09:21 PM Last Edit: June 21, 2019, 05:21:51 PM by LouieLouie

How do I enable access to opnsense ports on 19.1.9?  Portsnap is not present by default in the command line.  Neither are ports (applications) available in the file system despite ports being listed in github.  I didn't find anything in the manual, pkg search portsnap = no return.

Thank you.

documenting for any future searchers.

*found the hardened BSD repository on github... https://github.com/HardenedBSD
*found the portsnap source folder on github.... https://github.com/HardenedBSD/hardenedBSD/tree/hardened/current/master/usr.sbin/portsnap
*read the makefile, reviewed portsnap.sh

I don't know how to use makefile or install with make (doh!).  I started to try to figure that out, got lost.  The software is on github.  I locally installed the git package, tried to pull the portsnap directory down, failed.  Logged onto github, read instructions, got lost trying to 'clone' the repository which would supposedly give me access to the portsnap source code.  Gave up when it seemed I would have to download the source for the entire OS instead of just 'portsnap'.

However, portsnap.sh is script instead of a compiled application, so I thought I could install manually.  I used wget to download everything from the portsnap directory on github.  I copied the config file to /etc, but then I looked at the dependency file (Makefile.depend).  Stalled, not sure if I can, or should try to manually install those dependencies.  I'd have to learn how to search the local system to see if they're there, 1st.

Current status:  stalled.  I can either figure out how to use github to allow git to retrieve the software, learn how to use git to do whatever git does locally, and then to learn how to use 'make' to install this stuff...  OR I can manually install the dependencies, copy portsnap to where ever system scripts go ( /usr/sbin/  ???), ensure it has correct permissions, and pray.

Sorry for the delay. Portsnap is really not what you're looking for here as you won't be loading the correct ports repository.

# opnsense-code ports
# cd /usr/ports

done ;)



That worked.  I learned some more.  Success.

Thank you, Franco, appreciated.
