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Site-to-Site WireGuard passing traffic only for certain IP range

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It is fantastic you went to the trouble to detail this. The instructions on the opnsense doc site are very inadequate. Hopefully they will allow somebody to flesh it out more completely soon.

I was going to ask if you would consider updating the docs, since it is no longer dev, but part of the latest update. :)

I must be doing something wrong, because I'm not seeing an Wireguard wg0 to add. Still fooling around to figure out why not.
later: I figured it out. Wireguard services were not starting. The only way to get the service to fire up, was to disable the endpoint. I suspect it might be the chicken or the egg thing. No rules were set up in the firewall, so I'm thinking the endpoint would abend the service. But once the service is running, then I can assign wg0. Maybe someone else will be helped by this.

EDIT: Later... we have gotten the tunnel established.... But we must be missing routing or rules because we can't go any farther. This is harder to setup than openvpn and it shouldn't be. There are several sites all giving different instructions.. so who to follow. gah!


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