[Bridge Mode] OpenVPN, DNS ?

Started by zyon, February 15, 2019, 07:10:56 PM

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Hi all,

I have search but found nothing about bridge mode and OpenVPN...
Try all i have could be found but nothing help me, because always says open on AT but on bridge i have disabled my NAT.

OpenVPN work well (internet and connect to OPNsense) with my users.
Same question from a lot of poeple is my LAN(OPT1) access, sorry again to ask ...

All in "pass" but nothing.

Try a lot of time and used this : https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/how-tos/sslvpn_client.html


Same Tunnel Network , my OPT1 Network

Add ACL to DNS, Push route to OpenVPN but nothing :s ...

If someone can help me ...

(Sorry for my English)

You need to have OpenVPN in 'dev tap' mode to bridge with ethernet since a bridge is a layer 2 device.


Thanks Bart ... not think to try that ....  :-X

Sorry ^^

(Sorry for My English)

February 15, 2019, 11:16:39 PM #3 Last Edit: February 15, 2019, 11:41:34 PM by zyon
On Mobile connection get : TAP_NOT_SUPPORTED OSI layer 2 tunnels are not currently supported :s
And same on PC no lan :s... i don't understand

I'm afraid that is a known shortcoming of mobile platforms. It is fairly easy to run a TAP client on (x86) Linux though.

Which protocol do you require that needs a layer 2 connection? It is more efficient to run OpenVPN with 'dev tun' and it causes fewer issues, as you have found out.


i don't know..
But TAP or TUN, no lan acces on bridge mode ...

I give up, I do not understand why.
I followed the documentations, try several times and same result everything is ok except access to the lan