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Caddy Proxy - Install and Use

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Run it from the command line and see what the error is.

Okay, running from command line, it appears it is having an issue with cloudflare and DNS.  I find only a few results on Google for the message I get, and they seem to indicate that it is the result of my "split DNS," because I use the same domain.tld for all my machines locally as I am trying to resolve externally.  So now its down to configuring OPNsense properly, I think.

--- Code: ---acme: error cleaning up: cloudflare: failed to find zone domain.tld.: ListZonesContext command failed: error from makeRequest: HTTP status 400: content "{\"success\":false,\"errors\":[{\"code\":6003,\"message\":\"Invalid request headers\",\"error_chain\":[{\"code\":6102,\"message\":\"Invalid format for X-Auth-Email header\"},{\"code\":6103,\"message\":\"Invalid format for X-Auth-Key header\"}]}],\"messages\":[],\"result\":null}"
--- End code ---

followed a couple lines later by

--- Code: ---acme: error presenting token: cloudflare: failed to find zone domain.tld.: ListZonesContext command failed: error from makeRequest: HTTP status 400: content "{\"success\":false,\"errors\":[{\"code\":6003,\"message\":\"Invalid request headers\",\"error_chain\":[{\"code\":6102,\"message\":\"Invalid format for X-Auth-Email header\"},{\"code\":6103,\"message\":\"Invalid format for X-Auth-Key header\"}]}],\"messages\":[],\"result\":null}"
--- End code ---

I removed some extraneous quotation marks and everything seemed to go.  Running it from CLI on its own, the console output said a certificate had been issued. Running "service caddy status" returns its PID consistently, so now I think it's my firewall rules. 

I've put port 443 (HTTPS) into my WAN firewall rules with a source of "WAN net" and destination of "This Firewall" but I still get a timeout.  I had CloudFlare's proxy service both enabled and disabled, to no effect.  I can't get to my services.

If I forward the port on my router and use my WAN IP:port the login comes up immediately.  If I try to go through HTTPS and the domain name used in the reverse proxy, the connection times out.  I'm still trying to find a log file to parse separate from the one specified in the Caddyfile, as that seems to only log what I would call "superficial" events such as loading this or that image file into the proxy cache, not system type events, like "Yes, I've contacted the upstream DNS, certificate issued/loaded" except what I got when running Caddy directly from command line.


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