Started by Xames81, December 20, 2018, 09:34:49 PM

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I setup a multiwan scenario, all with fixed ips and different monitors for each gateway, but when i change de default all allow rule on LAN with the MULTIWAN gateway it seems all go down, dns, etc... I have the defautl gateway with unbound. I put DNS rule before LAN allow rule too. Anyone with similar issues?


What means all goes down? Need Screenshots of LAN rules and outbound nat

in lan rules i only have in order

the antilockout rule
then de DNS rule
then the default allow lan to any rule
then some of vpns.

In the outbound i don't to nothing there, maybe the defaults.

What next?

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Firewall IP is 1.101 and LAN 192.168.1? Can you Ping Firewall IP when Multi WAN enabled?

I think i can't.

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Then your LAN or 1.101 is not in the same network. More Details please for all invloved IPs

Lan is for example in a client pc the io could be

The gateway of this pc (firewall)

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Clone the DNS rule, make it ICMP and test again ...
Then go to console of firewall and try to resolve If this doesn't work go to System : Settings : General and post screenshot of DNS. You should have two, both bound to a WAN interface

nslookup over cmd on a client pc is resolving, but tracert no, it shows firewall ip, next time out. Ping to firewall ip is good too. In navigation err connection timed out.

But the most curious is that i do that post connected over vpn on the firewall from my house, then its like vpn scenario work good, but no navigation on real pc on the lan.

What i'm doing wrong?