OpenVPN and NAT Reflection

Started by joer, November 20, 2018, 11:04:22 AM

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Hi all,

Back after dropping OPNSense and going to Pfsense due to being unable to fix some VPN and load balancing issues.  The last version of OPNSense I used was 16.7, and it appears most of the issues I experienced before are now fixed.

Hoping to try the traffic shaper later today (Pfsense's non-sensical HFSC shaper drove me mad, it simply doesn't work!).  Now using 18.7.

I've cloned most of my Pfsense settings including my three OpenVPN servers (two peer to peer and one roadwarrior) and I'm finding my RW clients won't connect from inside the LAN, where they did on Pfsense.  Any ideas?  My thoughts were that it was something to do with NAT Reflection as my clients are configured to connect to the WAN address but I've tried all the options for that and can't get it to work.  Besides, the same options were off on Pfsense and it worked out of the box!

I could get around this by using split DNS but I'd have to reconfigure my clients to use the DNS record rather than the IP.

I have the VPN sever listening on all interfaces.
