[SOLVED] Uable to add a new alias.

Started by LordD1, March 29, 2015, 09:26:35 PM

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March 29, 2015, 09:26:35 PM Last Edit: March 30, 2015, 08:12:09 AM by franco

Just installed OPNsense 15.1.8-07aaac43d and having issue with the alias section.
Every time I attempt to create a new alias and save it, nothing shows up on my list. Also made sure that apply changes was press after create it, but still wasn't able to see the it created. Is there a bug on this version, any help would be very appreciated.


Modify message


Just upgraded to 1.57.2 and everything works like a charm. After the upgrade I attempt to add a new alias. It now show up as soon as it is created. Will keep testing and report any bugs, but other than that loving the work that is being done with OPNsense.

Best Regards,


Yes, we've had issues with the config system replacement. Sorry about that. and beyond are fine now.