[SOLVED] Traffic Shaper - Upload Error

Started by Simon, August 25, 2017, 03:09:24 PM

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August 25, 2017, 03:09:24 PM Last Edit: September 02, 2017, 01:25:10 PM by Simon
After 3 tests;

Line 100Mbit/100Mbit

Test 1

Down Limit - 10Mbits
Up limit - 10Mbits

Actual (When enabled)
Down - 10Mbits
Up - 25Mbits

Disabled Limiter
Down - 94Mbits
Up - 91Mbits

Test 2

Down Limit - 20Mbits
Up limit - 20Mbits

Actual (When enabled)
Down - 20Mbits
Up - 25Mbits

Disabled Limiter
Down - 90Mbits
Up - 92Mbits

Test 3

Down Limit - 1Mbits
Up limit - 1Mbits

Actual (When enabled)
Down - 1Mbits
Up - 25Mbits

Disabled Limiter
Down - 95Mbits
Up - 88Mbits

Test 4
(Run over FTTC 76Mb / 18Mb)

Down Limit - 1Mbits
Up limit - 1Mbits

Actual (When enabled)
Down - 1Mbits
Up - 16Mbits

Disabled Limiter
Down - 76Mbits
Up - 16Mbits

Download Limiter - Works perfectly, no issues
Upload Limiter - seems to be locked at 25 Megabits

I now believe this is a bug or the amount has been hard coded for testing and not removed on release
After nearly a week of testing and changing configurations I am know convinced this is a bug.

Further bugs (feature losses found) found

You are not able to add an Alias in the Source / Destination locations
you can add multiple IPs and subnets on downlink limiters (but no Aliases)
However you can only add 1 IP on Uplink limiters or a subnet (not both and not Aliases)

This sets the Traffic Shaper feature quite pointless, especially when dealing with VOIP

I have tested the same scenario on pfSense, and it works on pfSense without issue and you can use Aliases,
I would dearly love to use OPNSense as the design of OPNSense is considerably better than pfSense
However I have to look at functionality and Traffic Shaping is important on a busy network,

In summary, if you need Traffic Shaping on 17.7 then you need to use pfSense
until the bugs are removed and the feature set is updated
otherwise use OPNSense.

Hope this helps

Have you did it like described in the Docs? For me this works as expected.

August 26, 2017, 08:06:52 PM #3 Last Edit: August 26, 2017, 08:09:54 PM by franco
Quote from: Simon on August 26, 2017, 03:57:14 PM
In summary, if you need Traffic Shaping on 17.7 then you need to use pfSense
until the bugs are removed and the feature set is updated
otherwise use OPNSense.

Please don't post such conclusions because of frustration. The shaper in OPNsense and pfSense use fundamentally different mechanisms, the shaper in OPNsense is what the limiter is in pfSense. I think that is part of the difficulty in getting it to work like you expect it to (as if they were the same).

Despite the "common belief" that we like drama, creating drama posts may end up with zero replies, because we tend to work the opposite way. And please keep your posts together instead of opening new ones, this can help with context....



I have found a solution to this problem
Traffic Shaper :
Upload limiter by local LAN IP only works when Shared Forwarding is enabled

Download limiter works whether enabled or not

To enable upload limiter by local LAN IP go to

Firewall -> Settings -> Advanced
about half way down Enable Shared Forwarding and then click Save

Even though it says use with care, it seems the only way to get it working

I would rather it work consistently with download limiter,
perhaps this is something to address in later editions


The Traffic shaper works very well up and down, I just restested it last week.

However if you have multi wan or captiveportal in your setup then you require shared forwarding. Its not a bug its just the way it works.

In every other case you must have a confuguration error somewhere.

The docs are usually an easy way to check, just apply the sample configurations and if those do work then look at what is the difference in your setup.

Anyway glad it worked out for you.



Hi Simon,

Thank you for the update. :)

It goes to say that Shared Forwarding is something that we've written for OPNsense and can't quite push to FreeBSD at this point. The problem has existed there for a long time in the interaction between pf(4) and ipfw(4).
