IPv6, Cox Internet and v25.1.1

Started by Ed V., February 26, 2025, 07:21:38 PM

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Currently running v25.1.1 upgraded from v25.1

When on v25.1 (pre-upgrade), IPv6 was working via the "Track Interface" mechanism on the WAN (igb0) interface.

Settings are the same as used in the v24 production series, which also worked.

The behavior (pre-upgrade) was:

Request a /56 allocation from Cox
Deploy the /56 as a /64 to:
LAN (igb1) with prefix "0"
IoT (opt1) with prefix "1"

With the 25.1.1 upgrade, this does not seem to work any more.

The log is filled with messages like:

RDNSS address 2001:579:4c:3700:a434:9a73:b10d:e091 received on igb1 from fe80::53bb:1ff4:f59c:40b3 is not advertised by us
AdvPreferredLifetime on igb1 for 2001:579:4c:3700:: doesn't agree with fe80::53bb:1ff4:f59c:40b3
AdvValidLifetime on igb1 for 2001:579:4c:3700:: doesn't agree with fe80::53bb:1ff4:f59c:40b3

I also spot that both internal interfaces (LAN and IoT, which are physical interfaces) end up with the same IPv6 address: 2001:579:4c:3700:2e0:67ff:fe1f:2529/64 which is apparently not a "reachable" address.

Rolling back to 25.1, IPv6 works as expected once again, internal systems are assigned IPv6 from the allocation, etc.

Not sure what else might be needed to troubleshoot /debug, but I'm game to deliver as requested...

We're hours away from 25.1.2.

See how things look like after the upgrade and update this thread. If still having issues open a ticket on Github opnsense/src mentioning this thread -- if Franco doesn't see it in the meantime that is.