Sporadic connection dropouts, end with sudden spike/surge

Started by kcamera, February 26, 2025, 02:10:25 AM

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I am struggling to figure this out, and since it only now started happening when I put this new router into live operation (never saw it in my trial subnet), I need to fix it fast.

We will randomly have our network connections (Zoom meeting, stream, etc) freeze, but come back in ~1min or so. I was finally able to correlate this to a sudden spike of traffic through the router, which makes me think that something is getting stuck, the router buffers up a huge amount of data, and then it suddenly releases. The ping output is from the router itself, and the packets do eventually come back with an insanely long round trip time.

I do not have IPS enabled, and I disabled my fairly large DNS blocklist to debug this.

The CPU utilization doesn't do anything weird, although you can certainly see some huge memory management event at that time.  A ton of memory gets released once the network backup is released.

This might not be much to work with, but it was hard enough getting this much information. Some of the dropouts are short and it's hard to identify them in an active time period. This was a fat one that easily stands out from the nominal traffic.

Have a terminal run a continuous ping in either or and observe if the pings stop while zoom calls or streams drop and come back at the same time. If you have a modem check if it resets during the outages.