Vpn log remains empty

Started by Madifor, January 16, 2023, 09:30:23 AM

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Maybe i made a mistake but the vpn log remains empty.

When checking the VPN Log file , no entries are shown at all, even not in debug mode..
How can i restore this to troubleshoot the issues i have connecting android devices...



Which sort of VPN?
Deciso DEC750
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. (Isaac Asimov)

Using IPSEc to access the Internal networks from the internet.
Why there are no logs created i dont know , i have most likely made a mistake some where or i have to edit a config file ...

i found the issue the logging settings for ipsec was set to silent for all options under advanced settings ( some times the issue can be so simpel to solve that you miss it)

It was a bug of the IPsec advanced settings page in PHP 8 that was fixed with 22.7.10. Resetting all to basic on this version works as expected.
