Dashboard not accessible via VLAN

Started by flxkid, June 28, 2022, 04:28:45 PM

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This is my first time setting up OPNsense, but I have some experience with PF. I'm using a Protectli FW4B which has 4 interfaces (igb0-igb3: WAN, LAN, OPT1, OPT2). When setting up one of the OPT interfaces, I can access the dashboard just fine (as long as I add a firewall rule of course). But if I setup a VLAN on one of the OPT interfaces (and firewall rules of course), DHCP on the vlan works just fine, pinging the assigned vlan interface IP of the firewall works, but accessing the dashboard does not. It seems that for a VLAN just listening on all interfaces (which is what I have the dashboard set to) doesn't include VLAN interfaces. if I drop to shell (via serial console) and run "netstat -4an" I can see a *.80 listener.

Any ideas what I'm missing? I tried resetting to factory settings and starting over without screwing around with other stuff, just doing the most basic setup I wanted and same thing still as above.

Do you have it listening on that VLAN interface?
System > Settings > Administration > Listen Interfaces