Prevent Ipv6 auto Gateway creation OpenVpn

Started by crissi, November 25, 2021, 05:12:09 PM

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im trying to Setup OpenVPN Client Connection. But every time I create the connection, under System – Gateways – Single there are 2 Gateways automatically created, one for IPv4 and one for IPv6.

Is there a option to disable the automatic Gateway creation for the IPv6 Gateway?


Did you ever figure this out? I have the same issue.

Unfortunately not. As i have several OpenVPN Connections, the solution for me is still just Disable the auto created IPv6 Gateways..

That's what i have done, please let us know if this option becomes available in the future.

I know this option is available in pfsense, which almost always means it's already in opnsense, but often located under a different menu.

Interesting is, when creating in PF Sense under OpenVPN - Client Connection almost at the Bottom is the Functionality to choose if IPv4 or IPv6 or both Gateways should be created (Default Both), why is this still missing in opnsense?

Having the same exact issue on my freshly installed OPNsense (still in transition).

I'm sorry, I'm not exactly following. What's the difference between disabling the gateway and disabling it?


March 12, 2022, 07:57:46 AM #7 Last Edit: March 12, 2022, 08:00:50 AM by crissi
When creating OpenVpn Client Connection, IPv4 and IPv6 Gateway is created. There should be the option as in PF-Sense to chose if just IPv4 or IPv6 or Both are created.

And for now, even if the IPv6 Gateways are not want / needed they are present under Gateways, and cannot be deleted afterwards (only disabled), or is there a workaround to delete them?


If someone can find a solution please let us know!
I've tested the following 4 parameters in the advanced configuration:

push-filter ignore ipv6-route
push-filter ignore ifconfig-ipv6
push-remove ifconfig-ipv6
push-remove route-ipv6

But unfortunately none of them work.