"Failed initializing network interfaces"

Started by Linuxman, January 25, 2022, 03:30:00 AM

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ok so I have the latest and greatest Zenarmor running on a *nix box. (yeah yeah yeah- cousins to opnsense).

The 4 port protectli is sitting behind my firewall while I configure it.

I am not sure why the engine does not stay on. The error "Failed initializing network interfaces" does not make sense. I have an AP plugged into 2nd ethernet port and port 1 is connected to my lan.

I think it has something to do with the NFQ / NFQUEUE driver. I have searched but have not found a solution to this. The alternative is to compile the netmap code (but it has not been updated in a while and there is no easy uninstall).

I don't think it has to do with using sqllite vs elastic search.
I have a pretty clean Ubuntu install, and everything is updated and patched.


thank you in advance!

Hi Linuxman,

Please create a ticket from the following link and attach the file /usr/local/zenarmor/etc/workers.map file
