NTP not working after update to OPNsense 21.1.2-amd64

Started by rubenx, February 24, 2021, 03:02:30 PM

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I updated my firmware to the new version yesterday and since then my NTP has been up but not connecting.

All the peers are in UNREACH/PENDING status and the log shows that requests are going out.

2021-02-24T08:54:11   ntpd[56084] 8011 81 mobilize assoc 1571   
2021-02-24T08:54:11   ntpd[56084]   DNS 3.opnsense.pool.ntp.org ->   
2021-02-24T08:54:11   ntpd[56084] 8011 81 mobilize assoc 1570   
2021-02-24T08:54:11   ntpd[56084]   DNS 2.opnsense.pool.ntp.org ->   
2021-02-24T08:54:11   ntpd[56084] 8011 81 mobilize assoc 1569   
2021-02-24T08:54:11   ntpd[56084]   DNS 1.opnsense.pool.ntp.org ->   
2021-02-24T08:54:11   ntpd[56084] 8011 81 mobilize assoc 1568   
2021-02-24T08:54:11   ntpd[56084]   DNS 0.opnsense.pool.ntp.org ->   
2021-02-24T08:54:11   ntpd[56084] c016 06 restart

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Try changing your ntp servers.

Pick one from here: https://www.ntppool.org/en/

Change that... restart the service and try ntptime via commandline and see if it returns something sensible.

It's working now.  I had to reconfigure the Time Service and I mistakenly checked the LAN interface.

Cleared that and fixed.