Wake On Lan from GUI

Started by drwhowhogrub, August 05, 2020, 01:01:39 PM

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Hi, this is my first post and first time using OPNsense, previously Pfsense.

I was wanting to wake other machines on my network everyday a a specific time.
I was able to add a wol service using cron from the GUI.
I'm not sure if its been covered before but I was so happy I was able to get it to work I thought I would post it here, mostly so I would remember how to do it. Sorry if it's been covered before.

The manual was helpful for this.

All I did was install the wol plugin.
Then edited the file "actions_wol.conf" in "/usr/local/opnsense/service/conf/actions.d"
I added "description:Wake on Lan" to the bottom of the file and saved it.
Then ran "service configd restart" and then it appeared in System:Settings:Cron in OPNsense GUI!
Woohoo Awesome, works like expected.

Hi, thanks for your posting. In My case Servers do not wake up by the CRON entry. Manually clicking in the dashboard to wake it up is working. Any tips how i can debug it? Below my action_wol file

cat actions_wol.conf
command:/usr/local/bin/wol -i
parameters: %s %s
description:Wake on LAN

root@OPNs:~ # service configd restart
Stopping configd...done
Starting configd.