[SOLVED] Citrix XenServer 6.5

Started by aimdev, August 22, 2015, 02:32:46 PM

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August 22, 2015, 02:32:46 PM Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 11:13:43 AM by franco

I am testing OPNSense within a vm, and I cannot seem to be able to install xentools (xe-guest-utilities).

Is it possible?



Hi aimdev,

I'll add xe-guest-utilities to the package repository starting with 15.7.10. Thanks for mentioning it. :)



That would be good. I assume it would be installed via the console method?

Also the only version I have found so far is for Citrix XenServer 6.2, version 6.5 would be better.

Presumably you would have to build the package?, is it difficult?



Yes, installable on the console via:

# pkg install xe-guest-utilities

An OPNsense plugin that is available from the GUI may follow in the upcoming weeks.

As far as I can see that is the latest version that FreeBSD provides in the ports tree.

August 25, 2015, 08:34:34 PM #4 Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 12:50:52 PM by aimdev

thanks for making the package available.  :)

There are a couple of extra steps to be done, courtesy of Makefile.feld

# echo "xenguest_enable=\"YES\"" >> /etc/rc.conf.local
# ln -s /usr/local/etc/rc.d/xenguest /usr/local/etc/rc.d/xenguest.sh

Start the service manually or reboot.

# service xenguest start

Now you can see the interfaces and memory usages correctly.

Also you can halt/reboot the vm without going into the console.
Force halting/rebooting screwed up my non xenguest vm  >:(

The only problem so far is you cannot export the vm for backup, or transfer,
I suspect this is due to the xen utilities being 6.2 on a 6.5 system.

PS slight problem, since I have upgraded, the xenguest program will not start on boot.

I have reinstalled and rebooted etc, no luck, starting the service manual works, but is not really ideal.
Anything in the updates that would change the boot startup?



Reinstalled from the iso, updated to latest, install xenquest, imported backup, now working!!!

Totally Confused


I'm going to work on a plugin os-xen soon that does everything automatically. For now I created an issue to keep track of the progress: https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/issues/4

The first version of the os-xen plugin will be available with 15.7.18 next week. To install:

# pkg install os-xen

Please report back if this works for you. :)


did a complete reinstall, applied the xen package, all installed ok, however its version 6.2 xentools.

Whats required to get the package built to 6.5 xentools?

We're using FreeBSD's latest version. I'm a little bit confused about the state of the Xen tools to be honest. In FreeBSD there's something about 4.x, not 6.x, how does that relate?

The 6.x numbering is for the Citrix version, made available earlier this year, for free.
The 4.x numbering is I think, for the open source version, which I believe is supported by Citrix.
I use the Citrix version.

Your package makes the installation easier than my work around earlier this year.
Re exporting a vm, actually I think it does work, but its just as easy to reinstall opnsense, then use the previously saved settings.

Hope this helps
