How to handle subdomain not to be resolved externally?

Started by ComputerKid, December 11, 2024, 04:21:46 PM

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December 11, 2024, 04:21:46 PM Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 04:57:45 PM by ComputerKid
I'm using internally a subdomain of my tld, let's call it
I'm fighting the issue that for example when I ping i get the local IP 192.168.1, but if i ping (which does not exist) I get the ip of my tld. What I have to do that unbound will answer that this host is not reachable?


By "using internally", do you mean that you have set System -> Settings -> General -> Domain to ""?

Does public DNS for "" have a wildcard?

You could try chaning Services -> Unbound DNS -> General -> Local Zone Type to "static" instead of "transparent"

Ok, seems that my hosting partner has a wildcard entry...i removed it and hopefully this help, have to wait up to 48 hours. On the other side would it be nice if there is a possibility to exclude specific domains to be resolved externally...if someone has an idea?

Quote from: ComputerKid on December 12, 2024, 11:55:06 AM
On the other side would it be nice if there is a possibility to exclude specific domains to be resolved externally...if someone has an idea?

Quote from: dseven on December 12, 2024, 09:44:36 AM
You could try chaning Services -> Unbound DNS -> General -> Local Zone Type to "static" instead of "transparent"
Deciso DEC750
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Sorry I have overseen this post I'll try with static zone.