OPNsense greets with "An issue was detected."

Started by athurdent, August 07, 2023, 08:21:22 AM

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This happened twice on my test firewall now, submitting error to OPNsense.

[07-Aug-2023 08:16:53 Europe/Berlin] Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher\Exception: OPNsense\Sensei\ReportsController handler class cannot be loaded in /usr/local/opnsense/www/index.php:70
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher->throwDispatchException('OPNsense\\Sensei...', 2)
#1 [internal function]: Phalcon\Dispatcher\AbstractDispatcher->dispatch()
#2 /usr/local/opnsense/www/index.php(70): Phalcon\Mvc\Application->handle('/ui/sensei/repo...')
#3 {main}
[07-Aug-2023 08:16:53 Europe/Berlin] Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher\Exception: OPNsense\Sensei\ReportsController handler class cannot be loaded in /usr/local/opnsense/www/index.php:70
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher->throwDispatchException('OPNsense\\Sensei...', 2)
#1 [internal function]: Phalcon\Dispatcher\AbstractDispatcher->dispatch()
#2 /usr/local/opnsense/www/index.php(70): Phalcon\Mvc\Application->handle('/ui/sensei/repo...')
#3 {main}

Seems to be tied to me having a favourite that links to the older Zenarmor reports path. Updated the link and did not get a crash a login so far.