To allow external access to the WireGuard VPN, a WAN rule needs to be created. Since the WireGuard service is running on the OPNsense system, you do not need to use a NAT port forward rule.
Add the Outbound NAT Rule (Required if Not Creating WireGuard Interface)If for some reason you do not want to create a WireGuard interface, you will need to manually add the outbound NAT rule. I do not recommend doing this since creating the WireGuard interface simplifies the configuration in a number of ways. For the sake of completeness, I will describe the process in hopes that it will help someone. Please skip this step if you already created a WireGuard interface!
WG will also work without NAT rule or specific interface.As said... Don't know for what reason NAT is needed here.
Ok, I now checked my outbound NAT, the only rules are those automatically generated rules containing every internal interface and, indeed, VPN (WG interfaces and OVPN subnets). I guess if there were no interface created for WG, the automatic rules would contain the subnet IPs as it does for OVPN. I am pretty sure that I used WG the first time without assigning an interface, this was done later when I added a second WG instance