NTOPNG & 22.1

Started by iBROX, January 29, 2022, 01:32:41 AM

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First things first, great work with the release of 22.1, I have an issue in regards to NTOPNG, when I install it as per :


I don't see the services listed under the services menu option on the right hand side, I have cleared cookies etc and tried multiple browsers, even reset the router and still nothing shows, so I can't configure the redis and NtopNG service, any ideas?

I'd guess they didn't update to repo to have parallel builds for BSD 12 and 13.

The packages install no problems, just don't show up on the gui.

And System : Firmware : Plugins lists the plugin installed?

No, doesn't show there either.

Hm, what happens when you install them again via CLI? Any Error?

No error, the GUI picks up the updates to the packages if I run the updates again, it just doesn't show them in the services section so I can't configure.

Just to clarify the non enterprise version of NTOP shows in the packages list (the OPNSense repo one) but not the NTOP-enterprise (NTOP repo) one.

Hope that makes sense.

I'm moving this to general discussion. There's no point discussing how third parties are involved and problems should be reported there. FWIW, ntop does not have a good track record so far.


Yes, it seems their repo does mit support 13

Interesting, even though it says :

Adding the ntop Repository

Before installing ntop packages, you need to add the official ntop repository.

FreeBSD 13 / OPNsense (latest release, based on FreeBSD 13)
pkg add https://packages.ntop.org/FreeBSD/FreeBSD:13:amd64/latest/ntop-1.0.pkg

OR am I reading this wrong ?

Well, I have to say this again: ntop doesn't do a good job supporting packages for OPNsense and they never have. They just build FreeBSD packages and stick a label on it "works on xxx" but looking at https://packages.ntop.org/FreeBSD/FreeBSD:13:amd64/latest/ you can see that the packages have the ".pkg" suffix which is pkg 1.17 which OPNsense DOES NOT SUPPORT as of yet.


Thanks for the explanation franco. I'll go with the opnsense repo version until they sort it out or until Opnsense supports the pkg version (any ideas when that may be)?

I'm expecting 22.1.2 if no problem arise. We held back on this not to cause disruption in the 22.1 upgrade process since problems there would have been rather unfortunate for the vast majority of users.


Sounds good, thank you.