Monit - how to get alert when a host/IP boots up

Started by pankaj, November 21, 2021, 02:57:00 AM

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November 21, 2021, 02:57:00 AM Last Edit: November 21, 2021, 06:22:49 AM by pankaj

I'm using monit to monitor my Home Assistant server using "Ping" test so whenever IP address for Home Assistant server goes down or ping returns more than three non-positive response than monit triggers a SMS text to my phone alerting me that that Home Assistant server is down.

But is there a way to get an alert when the Home Assistant server boots up? The problem using positive response to Ping test with Home Assistant server machine is that this machine is up most of the time so my cell phone will get flooded with SMS. I only need to see SMS when this machine boots up from cold or restarts after an update or a power outage.

I'll appreciate some pointers to make it work.