[SOLVED] Can't Upgrade from GUI nor Console

Started by mircsicz, May 23, 2019, 01:37:39 AM

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May 23, 2019, 01:37:39 AM Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 08:38:19 AM by mircsicz
I've just tried to check for upgrades and ran into issue's, first failure was:

QuoteCould not authenticate the selected mirror.

Then I google'd and found:

But checking on the console my cert.pem sized isn't 0.

Google'd again and found:

So I tried as follow's:

fetch https://mirror.fra10.de.leaseweb.net/opnsense/FreeBSD%3A11%3Aamd64/19.1/latest/packagesite.txz
file packagesite.txz

what I got was:
packagesite.txz: HTML document, UTF-8 Unicode text

Using HTTPS I got this
fetch https://mirror.fra10.de.leaseweb.net/opnsense/FreeBSD%3A11%3Aamd64/19.1/latest/packagesite.txz
No server SSL certificate
fetch: https://mirror.fra10.de.leaseweb.net/opnsense/FreeBSD%3A11%3Aamd64/19.1/latest/packagesite.txz: Authentication error

So at this point I'm lost and hoping for hints...


tried once more after a reboot:

QuoteUpdating OPNsense repository catalogue...
pkg-static: repository meta /var/db/pkg/OPNsense.meta has wrong version or wrong format
pkg-static: Repository OPNsense load error: meta cannot be loaded No such file or directory
Fetching meta.txz: 100%    5 KiB   4.7kB/s    00:01
pkg-static: No signature found
repository OPNsense has no meta file, using default settings
Fetching packagesite.txz: 100%    5 KiB   4.7kB/s    00:01
pkg-static: No signature found
Unable to update repository OPNsense
Error updating repositories!

have you enabled ipv6 gateway?
do you have ipv6 static routing and dhcpv6 server enabled?
are you on pppoe?

i had the same errors when using static routing, I could not authenticate with the mirrors and found the issue to be caused by having static ipv6 gateway/routing while i was connected to pppoe.

I got help from @marjohn56, and changed the settings for ipv6 to track interface instead of me manually configuring everything and I can now access the updates, etc

Yes I had set one static route...

Just deleted it and installed 19.1.8 ;-)

THX a ton wolkerx