Zenarmor (Sensei) / Re: Zenarmor - Syn flood has been detected.
« on: April 29, 2024, 10:16:53 pm »Hi All,
Thanks for reporting the issue. Zenarmor started to recognize syn attacks with version 1.17. The syn attack was causing engine crash in the previous versions. So engine has capable to detect syn attacks, and we thought it could be useful information for the users to check the network. Can you share subscription type to check that it could be low threshold issue please?
I have a home license which I pay monthly.
When you say “we thought it could be useful information for the users to check the network” can you explain what we are supposed to check? Zenarmor has zero visibility into this as far as I can tell so its not clear what you are expecting us to check.
Like to give an example, when my car says ‘check oil’ I use the dip stick to check how much oil there is. What am I clicking in zenarmor to view the syn attack and associated logs?