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Topics - chol

Hi there!

I did speed up the upgrade of my 32bit Alix 2c3/2d3 nano-OPNsense machines' cf card installs by use of a 64bit Intel atom D510 machine, see:

Versions OPNsense 16.7.9-i386
                FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p11
                LibreSSL 2.4.4
Updates Click to check for updates.
CPU Type Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU D510 @ 1.66GHz (4 cores)

Can I copy (kernel-) slice 1 to slice 2 on the 4GB/8GB cf cards via OPNsense's webGUI? Or is it done automatically?

Kind regards, chol
Knapp drei Viertel einer Reihe populärer GitHub-Projekte könnten laut einer Studie ins Straucheln geraten, wenn der wichtigste oder die zwei wichtigsten Entwickler aussteigen, wie heise berichtet:

Studie: Wichtige GitHub-Projekte von einzelnen Entwicklern abhängig
General Discussion / Road map for 16.1 and beyond
July 03, 2015, 11:49:02 AM
We have reached the first milestone Production Release of OPNsense, namely 15.7, which left development branch just today (July 2, 2015)!

16.1 is in the development branch of OPNsense as of July 215 , also!
From the roadmap on one can look up  these 4 aims for 16.1 so far:

  • Package / Plugin implementation
  • Security updates
  • Replace ACL
  • Unattended / Automated installation

Oppinion: Would be good if we had a list of far away topics for 16.7 also.

I would like to start a list if it was appropriate. If not just say so. We could agree and try to get in contact with possible developers, or get developers interested, which would be interested in (long-term/short-term) cooperation!?

ROADMAP for 16.7

^)  FreeBSD 10.x on MIPS64 - Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite
$)   FreeBSD/ARM
%)  OpenWRT würfelt IPv6-Präfixe (german, "OpenWRT casts random IPv6-prefixes")
*)   just kidding ;)

15.1 Legacy Series / Upgrade
June 14, 2015, 06:25:09 PM
The new implemented upgrade functionality is a fine piece of software, clear, straight forward, guiding, informing, in a word a *satisfying experience*

Thanks to Jos, Ad & Franco
#1 A new install of the LibreSSL snapshot 15.1.9 cannot be upgraded by console option 12 nor by console option 8 (shell) by "opnsense-update -r 15.1.11" nor through GUI update any more I have an other upgraded LibreSSL 15.1.11 install. Did you change something here, the "_1" may be a hint?

#2 is there a factual differentiation between an update and an upgrade throughout your tools and console/GUI options?

#3 is there an upgrade path from LibreSSL snapshots to latest ? If not why?

#4 How to get LibreSSL into a new fresh OpenSSL-15.1.11.x?
General Discussion / OPNsense mascot
May 25, 2015, 10:53:23 PM
Hi all,

I created an OPNsense community mascot for the docu wiki. I would like to hear yor say about it.

You can see it in this article, here => OPNsense, and  here

Love to hear your oppinions.  :)
General Discussion / Intel's DPDK
May 13, 2015, 08:29:01 PM
Hi everyone,
what do you think about the announced future roadmap from 25th of February 2015:
Jim Thompson announced the rewriting of the pfSense core (including pf, network packet forwarding and shaping, link bonding, IPsec, etc.) using Intel's DPDK Data Plane Development Kit.

Are they heading for big iron and heavy industry? Will they do it? What are the other BSD take towards Intel's DPDK? Main question here, is/will OpnenBSD develop towards there?

I mean, in essence pfSense will have to rewrite nearly everything in the pfSense software (plus bug hunt months and community testing), so will their stuff be portable back in to our OPNsense? Or are we divided more or less totally?  :o
In OPNsense the WAN will get reassigned from re0 to a PPP (cuaU0.0) type connection (LTE, UMTS) but afterwards not back to DHCP based on ethernet driver (re0 in my case) .
The GUI gives the warning message:
"The following input errors were detected:  You have to reassign the interface to be able to configure as dhcp."

When trying to do this, the reassignment Interfaces > (Assign) > WAN is clickable in the boxed selection to "re (mac)"  but no "save" button will appear.

The alternative reassignment cycle: DMZ (re1) to re0 and then re1 to WAN will also not function:

after clicking  Interfaces > WAN > Enable -> check Enable Interface and IPv4 Configuration Type to DHCP and "Save"
it shows the same error message as above:
"The following input errors were detected:  You have to reassign the interface to be able to configure as dhcp."


Resolve attempts:

#1: An attempt to un-assign the interface, reboot  and assign again, does not function.
#2: Destroyed the PPP connection and reassigned DHCP on re0 does not function
#3: reassigned to re0 and applyed a static IPv4 with GW did function

Resolved: After #2 + 3 did establish a DHCP config type to WAN (re0) , eventually it did function
From the OPNsense roadmap it becomes clear, that this new project is going to a more closer path with FreeBSD and its security-maintained standard packages .

?Is it therefor planned to construct a modularisation of OPNsense, with install options like small, medium, full OPNsense installs, meaning, to have a feature/service-rich or a feature/service-poor install? Not everyone needs all the features, esp. when the full install come with cluttered GUI branches and flamboyant services all not touched/needed.

A feature stripped or exactly on-site customized OPNsense install would gain in security and a lower vulnerability.