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Messages - Nordom

Quote from: Maurice on February 27, 2025, 02:02:58 AMDon't copy the entire VM image to the SD card. It contains two partitions (esp and rootfs). Copy these to the SD card (in addition to the "uboot" partition).

I extracted the bzip VM image. How do I access the esp and rootfs? From the .qcow2 file what steps are needed so I can see the ESP and RootFS folders?

Edit: I just had thought that I can use the DD command burn the .raw to my / partition that I created .I am trying that now.

Edit2: the DD command did work, but  EDK2 is unable to locate the opnsense img. Using Virtual Machine Manager I was able to create a VM using freeBSD14.2 and aarch64 archecture from the raw I created. It is just unfortunate EDK2 cannot detect it. I suspect the format is not correct for EDK2 see it. However EDK2 does try to boot my created partition and it does say its trying to loading /EFI/BOOT/BOOTAA64.EFI, however it doesn't seem like it can see any other file or folder.
Quote from: Maurice on February 26, 2025, 12:52:51 AMA VM image should work, but you'll have to convert it to raw. And don't write the entire image to the SD card - this would overwrite the EDK2 firmware. Instead, copy the individual partitions from the VM image to the SD card.

  • When I wrote the EDK2 image to my SD card it created a 8MB UBoot partition, leaving the rest of my 32GB card unassigned.
  • I DLed VM image
  • Ran qemu-image resize OPNsense-25.1-ufs-efi-vm-aarch64.qcow2.bz2 20G
  • Ran qemu-image convert OPNsense-25.1-ufs-efi-vm-aarch64.qcow2.bz2 OPNsense-25.1-raw.raw
  • To test this I used QEMU's Virtual Machine Manager to boot from the raw using aarch64 architecture and selecting FreeBSD 14.2 as the OS. It booted, but went to shell, so maybe I didn't do something right
  • created a / partition using ext4 on the SD card using the remainder of the space on the SD card
  • Copied the raw file to the new / partition
  • Booted opi5+ and nothing loaded besides the EDK2 menu system

I couldn't get EDK2 to see the image or recognize the / partition I created, or maybe it did, but my image wasn't formatted right. In any case  my opi5+ did boot. I could access the EDK2 menus, but if I tried continue past boot manager nothing would happen. I know the EDK2 part goes beyond your personal experience, but did I correctly setup the RAW or did I miss a step?

Quote from: rdunkle84 on May 31, 2024, 09:03:54 AM
Quote from: jcook on May 23, 2024, 09:15:00 PM
Quote from: rdunkle84 on February 01, 2024, 05:29:21 PMOPNsense 24.1 aarch64 ....  is working well on Orange Pi 5 Plus.

Would you mind sharing your build or the steps you took? I'm trying to get it working on my OPI5+ as well. Thank you.
The first step is to change the firmware of the OPI5+ to use EDK2 firmware.
If you do that then you can use the OPNsense images.

I have an OPI5+. I burned the EDK2 image to my sdcard and it boots. How do I get an aarch64 image? Do I need to manually build one? Can I use a VM aarch64 from

On the OP first post, there are steps on how you can update your existing aarch64 Opnsense.
There is also a step to build it. I followed those steps. I created a FreeBSD 14.2 VM. I followed the steps on, but when I ran the command
make prefetch-base,kernel,packages MIRRORS= nothing happened.

I cannot seem to find a prebuilt ISO anywhere for aarch64 so I cannot run OPs update steps to get the latest version. There is one here: But it doesn't actually work. It kernel panics. I suspect it does something with EDK2, but it is beyond me.

I am sorry for being a newb, but I really cannot figure this out and would love some help! Can someone point me where I can get an OpnSense aarch64 image?