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Messages - gomer23

General Discussion / Re: PPPoE option Missing
February 14, 2025, 09:06:30 PM
Thank you, that is what I was missing. Appreciate it!
General Discussion / PPPoE option Missing
February 13, 2025, 07:01:01 PM
Hello, I am new to OPNsense. I am in the process of switching over from a Sophos virtual firewall for home use. I have installed version 25.1 to a VM on my Proxmox host and been getting familiar with the UI. I went to go look at the WAN interface and look for the PPPoe setup but I am not seeing an option for this. I just have NONE, DHCP or Static (on IPv4). I have tried to delete and recreate the interface but not able to get that option to show up. I am sure I am missing something simple but if anyone has any ideas let me know. I do have 2 interfaces defined on the Proxmox side for the VM.