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Messages - Toxsickcity

Thanks for the reply bud,

At the moment the source has item
"LAN net"

Do I replace that, as I don't have option to add to "LAN Nat" in the source field. Only a single item


I have spent some time trying to let through our foxtel box but the squid is blocking it.

Can I grab some help regarding how can I completely bypass a local IP address from the Nat Rules and the Firewall rules.

Currently there is the http and https rules and only them.
It's port forwarding everything through the squid proxy and I am dumb as I tried various new rules pointing the address above trying to get it access.

Can someone advise which items to edit and if priority must be a factor. (Where the rule sits)

Essentially I just need to work as normally. But as mentioned the port redirection to 127.x.x.x is where I am stuck.

I don't know what to do.

P.s. I also added that local IP address in proxy access list to ban it. Didn't help


I'm new to opnsense.

I installed the squid proxy

I have http and https enabled, I also have used auto config for Nat->port forwarding for the redirects to the squid.

When I disable the redirects for https all is ok. If I enable the redirect, my wifi goes down for mobile phones.. (My phone's so longer have internet and starts using 4G mobile data)

My wifi is two TPlink omada APs and the controller is software based running on a home PC.

To restore internet and wifi on phones I need to turn off the https NAT port forwarder.
