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Messages - Eduardox

Site A:, gateway=
Site B:, gateway=

I have an IPsec tunnel setup between two sites that is working well.  Both sites can go online via their own Internet connection, and I can reach all devices from both sites.

Now for one device ( on site A I would like to route the traffic over de IPsec tunnel and go to the Internet via site B.

I added these lines:

Site A: System/Gateways/Configuration: name=OPNsenseB, int=WAN,gateway=
Site A: Firewall/rules/LAN: source=, prt+dest+dest port=*, gateway= (as the first line)
Site B: Firewall/NAT/Outbound: interface=WAN, source=, source+dest+dest port=*

However, this does not work.  Traffic from still goes outside via site A's WAN (!)  If I change the firewall rule for to block instead of pass then has no connectivity anymore - so that line is really used.

What am I doing wrong?  Thanks!