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Messages - lilor

This seems like one of those questions that I'm going to face-palm at the answer, but...

How do I map a specific DHCP subnet to a particular interface in KEA DHCP?
I want devices on the LAN to get IP addresses in x.x.1.0/24 and devices in the DMZ to get x.x.2.0/24 addresses.
In ISC DHCPv4 this is baked in, since the DHCP server settings are per-interface.

In KEA DHCP, I see how to configure the DHCP server to listen on DMZ and LAN interfaces, and I can define the subnets x.x.1.0/24 and x.x.2.0/24, but I don't see where to specify that x.x.1.0/24 is only for the LAN and x.x.2.0/24 is only for the DMZ. 

I've poked around in the config and read the documentation, but I don't see any option for this. Can someone hit me with a clue bat?