Tutorials and FAQs / Re: Tutorial: Caddy (Reverse Proxy) + Let's Encrypt Certificates + Dynamic DNS
« on: October 28, 2024, 11:55:25 pm »
Another question for that matter, would it possible to add an option to include files under "caddy.d" inside a domain matcher? In my case it would create a Caddyfile like this:
Code: [Select]
*.edholm.cc {
# Options
import /usr/local/etc/caddy/caddy.d/*.conf
# Or perhaps lookup files with the configured domain as a prefix, like *.edholm.cc.conf
Mainly this is to make external automations able to add individual handlers as separate files for an existing domain. Benefit is that the plugin keeps track of the TLS cert and some other FW configured things, and, in my case, Ansible could still add configurations without requiring opening the webui manually. This should not break any existing plugin functionality, I think, except if you add files which handles the same subdomains as the plugin is set up to handle already.