Virtual private networks / ZeroTier to opnsense subnet
« on: February 14, 2023, 04:38:33 am »
New to OPNsense and Zerotier. Having a problem can't seem to solve. Zerotier connects to OPNsense fine. I put in a ZeroTier route to OPNsense LAN subnet. Enabled "Allow Ethernet Bridging" in Zerotier. I made a Zerotier interface in OPNsense locked it static (ZeroTier IP for that connection). Also made a inbound and outbound firewall rule on OPNsense and allowed global IP on ZeroTier client.
But some reason I can only get to routers IP on that subnet from ZeroTier client. What am I doing wrong?
But some reason I can only get to routers IP on that subnet from ZeroTier client. What am I doing wrong?