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Messages - protoss1976

nothing to do, it doesn't work


1 "OFFICES ethernet"
Why would you use .8 for the gateway?

because OFFICES doesn't have DHCP and being more than 50 clients I can't pass them one by one and change the gateway.  I inherited 5.8 from a colleague who configured it like this.

2 "DIDACTIC ethernet (captive portal)"
Again, why .12 for gateway??

because from 1.1 to 1.11 I have other fixed IP addresses always inherited

3 "The fourth LAN (LAN_TV is currently physically connected to the OFFICES because within LAN_TV there is a web server that must be accessible from the PCs of the OFFICES LAN. Since in the LAN_TV the server also works as DHCP, if I connect the LAN_TV to the fourth OPNsense ethernet, how do I configure the firewall rules to be able to access the web server from the OFFICE LAN?"

I had connected them with a cable so that I could access both LANTV and OFFICES from my workstation.  Now I separated them and connected a cable from the LANTV switch to the Opnsense network card and another cable from the OFFICES switch to the opnsense network card

the web server has IP with gateway while the PCs in OFFICES have 192.168.5.x/24 and gateway  I hope I explained myself.  Can you please tell me step by step which rule to create for accessing from the OFFICE LAN?  A thousand thanks
I would like to access from today OFFICES computer 192.165.5.x to the web server located in LAN_TV which is (no DHCP). The networks are physically separated, a cable from one network goes to OFFICES, a cable from the other network goes to LAN_TV
I have a server with OPNsense and 4 NICs one of which is used for the WAN. I have 4 physically separate LANs and they all flow into my server room. On OPNsense I configured...
OFFICES ethernet
DIDACTIC ethernet (captive portal)
The fourth LAN (LAN_TV is currently physically connected to the OFFICES because within LAN_TV there is a web server that must be accessible from the PCs of the OFFICES LAN. Since in the LAN_TV the server also works as DHCP, if I connect the LAN_TV to the fourth OPNsense ethernet, how do I configure the firewall rules to be able to access the web server from the OFFICE LAN? Sorry if the situation is a bit tangled, but I wanted to limit the broadcast as much as possible without going to configure VLANs. Can you give me some advice on this?
Zenarmor (Sensei) / Re: authenticated users and vouchers
February 08, 2023, 02:50:47 PM
I can't change the default policy because I have the free version, I had already done all the other configurations
Zenarmor (Sensei) / authenticated users and vouchers
February 08, 2023, 09:47:51 AM
Hello, in the zenarmor "Top Egress Users" report I would like to see the percentage of use of authenticated users, but I still see anonymous. I have 4 network cards (WAN, LAN, DIDACTICA, WIFI), I need to authenticate users with username and password for LAN and DIDACTICA, and with voucher for WIFI. I would like to see the username in the report and in the live views, but it always appears empty. I have to save the logs and keep them with the authentication name and with the voucher. Can anyone help me understand?
Hi everyone.  I have an internet network with about 60 connected clients.  I have OPNsense 23.1 with zenarmor and ntop installed.  The connection is 30mb in Download and 30mb in Upload.  I do 30 adsl tests a day 3 I find myself with downloads sometimes of 25mbs and sometimes of 2mbs.  I figured if it was the clients wreaking havoc, it must be at peak times, but it happens abnormally and not purposefully.  How can I identify who is generating targeted traffic?
Zenarmor (Sensei) / Re: Error when upgrading to 1.12.4
January 30, 2023, 07:54:07 AM
my error is...
zenarmor has detected a problem during operation and has shut down zenarmor services in order to prevent a network outage.

It is highly probable that this is due to a netmap issue where netmap might not be inter-operable with your current ethernet adapter.

If you think this is something we should have a look, just click here to let us know about the details and we will investigate this further.

You can re-enable the services from Status page.

The previous version worked fine
Zenarmor (Sensei) / Re: block utorrent
January 26, 2023, 02:05:55 PM
Zenarmor (Sensei) / block utorrent
January 25, 2023, 03:41:36 PM
hello all, i installed zenarmor on opnsense 22.7.11, in the application categories i enabled utorrent, but it keeps downloading. If I go into the live views, I see the blocking warning, but still it continues to download. Because? Am I doing something wrong?
22.7 Legacy Series / Re: GUI
January 24, 2023, 03:01:34 PM
thank you very much, it works in english
22.7 Legacy Series / Re: GUI
January 24, 2023, 02:55:02 PM
I fixed it by updating the root password, but now I have a problem in the proxy administration page. It gives me this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: Unknown format specifier "S" in /usr/local/www/ Stack trace: #0 /usr/local/www/ sprintf('\xC3\x88 stato rileva...', '
22.7 Legacy Series / [SOLVED] GUI
January 24, 2023, 02:41:43 PM
Hello, after upgrading to version 22.7.4 by accessing the gui, I don't see anything on any page. For example, the dashboard is empty. Attach screenshot