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Messages - Hackintosys

Hi, I still have a pretty high Swap usage.
Not as bad as before but its still there. Do you confirm it with your builds?
Thank you for your support.
Hello friends,

can someone please explain me the lower / higher percentage in the new firewall adaptive snycookies settings?
My state table size on the main opnsense page is usually at lower than 10%.

So if I set the adaptive setting to 90/90 would it mean that snycookies will be only enables if >=90% of the state table is used?

Thanks in advance!
Zenarmor (Sensei) / Re: PPPoEeeeeeeee
January 31, 2022, 03:00:37 PM
Quote from: mb on January 23, 2021, 04:31:42 PM
Hi @bunchofbreeds, we're on it. We've only recently had access to a piece of testing equipment with PPPoE WAN connection.

Expect some news in the coming month or so.


any update on it?

Had the same issue back with the betas, only that the whole system was freezed until I rebooted it.

Issue also happend with the 21.7.6 and got fixed with the suricata rollback in 21.7.7..